Sunday, December 27, 2009


Ahhh..Sunday. My only true day off. I love Sunday! It's a cool winters day, cloudy, breezy. Sun is peeking through the clouds playing peek-a-boo. It leaves those streaks of sun that go from the Heavens to the ground. When I was a kid I used to think that was because someone had died and their soul was going up to be with God. It used to bring me peace to think there was someplace to go when we died and I guess it still does, to be honest.

I don't like to be out in the cold. Guess that makes me lucky working from home. I had a gal call me several years ago telling me she was going to put her notice in at the hospital she worked at as a medical transcriptionist and wanted to give them someones name that could take her place. She wanted to know if she could use my name. It was a winter day similar today only it was sleeting outside. I was in the bubble bath and told her sorry, but I just wasn't interested in working out of the house any longer. She totally understood (who wouldn't?!?!)

I woke up feeling a little better today. I've actually been pretty sick for about the last week. Sometimes I wonder if I work myself into a sickness not taking care of myself like I should. I guess it sure doesn't make things any better when you are sick and don't take the time to heal. My husband wanted to take me to the ER yesteray (Saturday) and get a shot. I looked in my throat on Christmas Eve after it killing me for a few days and there are blisters. Strep throat I'm sure. Unfortunately, about a month ago I had to take my oldest to the ER as she was real sick and it was the weekend. I got the EOB from the insurance and it has cost us a little over $400 for the doc to basically blow us off. The H1N1 was really going around at the time and they tested her for it and it was negative. He never tested her throat, which is what was hurting her so bad. She literally would not swallow her spit. She was spitting it out. When I asked the nurse why he didn't test her throat for strep I was told "it didn't look bad"?? Okay....anyway, I guess they charge about $100 an hour at the ER because we were there for about 4 hours sitting and waiting. I think we saw the doc for about 5 minutes. Anyway, getting off track there...I'm not about to pay that kind of money for that kind of service. Call me stubborn....I'll go to my family doc in the morning if I'm not any better and get a shot. That is if I can find time out of my day to do it...the work week starts off busy and goes that way until Saturday. Speaking of work week....I actually got called to do jury duty starting this week. That totally pisses me off. I have to take time (which I don't have to begin with) out of my day once a week for a month to go to court. Geez...maybe they can hold special called court dates so I can add more to my plate. Don't worry though....they are going to compensate me $12 a day for my time......I'm still trying to figure out where I am going to spend all that dough when I am done......

I woke up this morning at 9:30.....did I mention how much I love Sunday? It's the only day I get to sleep in and it feels wonderful! I got up and to start the day the kitchen floor had to be swept. I don't know how it does it and I am going to install a spy cam one of these days to find out, but I can sweep the floor at night before bed and wake up and it is dirty. Same with the laundry. Have you ever found that it multiplies at night? Guess it gets "dirty" when the lights go out like everyone else .... hehe. But seriously, it multiplies at night then you wash it and all the sudden there isn't as much as you started with. Where do those socks go to anyway? Every single time I do the laundry I have to pull a sock or washrag or underware or anything else that isn't as thick as blue jeans out from underneath the washing blades. I've had 2 washers in the 17 years I have been married and they have been the same. Why doesn't the manufacturer make those darn blades lower so nothing can get by them but water? I can only image what that does to the sewer system.

I am still trying to rack my brain on how I am going to make more time for me and the family. I watched Joel Osteen today on TV (I highly recommend his service and his books....Joel, you are awesome!) and he was talking about the increase that God wants to give you, but you have to think increase (out of the box) and not think in the box. I think that is where I am going to start. You have not because you ask not, God says. I am going to ask God to help me make the time I so desperately need. Every year at Christmas I want to take the kids to do so much (see miles of lights, make all kinds of cookies, go see Santa) and then I don't have the time. I say, oh year. I was talking with my oldest the other day and technically I only have one more year, one more Christmas left before she is 18, out of high school and old enough to move out or get married or go to college or whatever. One more and I've never done all the Christmas stuff with her that I wanted to. It really makes me sad. It got me thinking that something is going to have to change. No, she isn't going away and will never come back and I still can do those things with her even when she is 30, but it is just the fact that life is passing me by and all I can do is work and watch it.

I'm going to spend the next week going through my daily routine, making notes and sitting down next weekend and deciding what can go. I will start the New Year out on a different note (although I do have to work on New Year's day so that will suck to start if off by working). I have taken Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years off for the past 10 years and decided this year that when they asked who would volunteer to work I would so maybe someone who does work every year can spend it with their family instead. Things are going so bad with my full-time job that everyone walks around on eggshells wondering if they will still have a job in the morning. The ecomony has hit all 3 of my employers and downsizing is what everyone is doing. My full-time company has let go of several employees and then turned around and has put double on the ones left to 'make up' for what the others would have gotten done. They have almost doubled what we are to have completed in a day. There are several days when I have to work a little longer by a few hours just to get my daily quota out and still days when I just can't get it out. Afterall, I still have 2 part-time jobs that I work. Those 2 have also asked that we do a little more too so they don't have to hire someone else and everyone comes out smelling good. Afterall, we just had Christmas and everyone needs more Christmas money. Wonder what their excuse will be now that Christmas is over.

I have thought and thought about what I want to do with my life.....there has to be something out there better than working nearly 14 hours a day, 6 days a week. I buy and sell on eBay and have wondered about making that a full time thing. I would love to spend Monday and Tuesday putting things on there to sell and then the following Monday and Tuesday going to the post office to mail them. Could you image just working a few days a week and having the rest of the week to spend doing whatever your heart desires? So far, I have only put things on there from around the house that we really don't use and need to get rid of for more space in the house. Maybe I can decide that I am going to put "X" amount of my pay aside to buy things to sell. Afterall, they are always having sales at the mall or just buying things in lots on eBay that you could turn around and sell. They make it super easy to open a store too where things can just sit there for like a month and sell. Anyway, that is just an option. You have to have the time to put the things on there to begin with. If you have never listed anything, it can take quite a bit of time taking a picture and then making a description so the buyer is told of any possible flaw there is on the merchandise. People can get real ugly if every "t" isn't crossed and every "i" isn't dotted. All that brings me back to square time.

If anyone has any ideas or helpful hints I would be much abliged. How do you do it? How do you juggle family life with a career? Does anyone else watch shows about the 50s and 60s with jelously...wishing you could be a housewife and mother? Walk around in your dress and heels and pearls with an apron on making supper all day long? Oh, those were the days....I think. Afterall, I wasn't born yet so I really don't know. They sure do make it look good though, don't they? Well, I am going to watch a movie on the computer (my son is watching Sponge Bob Squarepants) and watch the sun go down. I'm toasty warm sitting in the recliner by the fire...Life is good.

Until tomorrow......Grab yourself a cup of coffee, your favorite pjs, curl up on the couch and lets make the world a better place to blog at a time. You can also visit me at

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