Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

We started off the New Year like we have every year for the past 12 years or so. We had plenty of junk food, lots of the Stooges and Twilight Zone and in bed by 11. I know...pretty sad when you can't make it one more hour :)

I have the most amazing life! I have a husband who I totally adore. He is truly an amazing man! I have 3 beautiful children who I am very proud of! Even though they can butt heads at times, they get along. They remind me of my siblings and I growing up. I also know that once they are grown they will be best friends. I get to be a work-at-home mom. We have a roof over our heads that will be ours in exactly 14 years. Our vehicles are paid for (albiet one is a 1996 and one is a 2002 so not new by any means although they were when we bought them). We have plenty of food in the kitchen and have never had to go to bed hungry. What more can one ask for?

I truly believe 2010 is going to be a great year! Spend some time pondering on what you are thankful for today. Change the things you can and learn to deal with the things you can't. Always keep in mind if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I know there are times when there seems like things are never going to get any better, but believe me they will. Everyone gets tested at some point.

Be sure to eat some cabbage, blackeyed peas and pork today. They are supposed to keep you healthy, wealthy, and wise (although I don't know which does what).

Grab yourself a cup of coffee, your favorite pjs, curl up on the couch and lets make the world a better place to blog at a time.

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